Martiros Saryan
Self-portrait with mask (1933)
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Church Karmravor of VII century
Martiros Saryan
Portrait of the poet Yeghishe Charents (1923)
Martiros Saryan
Illustration for Hovhannes Toumanian The Hunter That Lied ,1959
Martiros Saryan
The head of the girl (Mariam Tazahulahyan) (1912)
Martiros Saryan
Mount Aragats (1925)
Martiros Saryan
Fellakh Village , 1911
Martiros Saryan
Martiros Saryan
Flowers of Kalaki (1914)
Martiros Saryan
Date Palm. Egypt
Martiros Saryan
Egyptian masks
Martiros Saryan
Yatuk Music
Aram Khachatryan
Masquerade - Waltz
Yatuk Poem