Martiros Saryan
Small, Large Ararat and Yerevan, 1930
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Flamboyant landscape (1933)
Martiros Saryan
Church Karmravor of VII century
Martiros Saryan
Mount Aragats at summer (1922)
Martiros Saryan
Flowers (1908)
Martiros Saryan
Armenian village
Martiros Saryan
Self-portrait (1942)
Martiros Saryan
Flowers of Sambek (1914)
Martiros Saryan
Kirovakan Village (1948)
Martiros Saryan
Train Station
Martiros Saryan
The head of the girl (Mariam Tazahulahyan) (1912)
Martiros Saryan
Yatuk Music
Sayat Nova
What will I do without you
Yatuk Poem