After the massacre, 1899
Vardges Surenyants
Ani: Women leaving the church, 1905
Vardges Surenyants
Ara The Beautiful and Shamiram
Vardges Surenyants
Brother lamb
Vardges Surenyants
Come to me... 1900
Vardges Surenyants
Eastern motifs, 1886
Vardges Surenyants
Firdousi reads the poem "Shah-Name" to Shah Mahmud Ghaznavi
Vardges Surenyants
Geisha: Japanese woman, 1900
Vardges Surenyants
Greek woman painting vases, 1901
Vardges Surenyants
In the harem
Vardges Surenyants
In the Harem, 1918
Vardges Surenyants
In the spring, 1900
Vardges Surenyants